Roads and transportation play essential roles for people in any city to move from one place to another. With our smart roads and transportation solutions, people can safely get around quicker.

We implement warning systems like cameras and sensors, which makes real-time data and sharing of information across the network accessible. This ensures a continuous flow of people and vehicles and helps in preventing accidents.

With TST’s smart roads and transportation solutions, communication is available to the citizens through mobile applications that will provide relevant information like best routes, parking spaces, transportation modes and schedules, as well as any traffic or service interruptions.

Components of our Smart Road and Transportation System

Advanced Sensing Systems – Utilization of smart cameras and sensors in roads and vehicles, RFID
(Radio Frequency Identification) and beacons to ensure safety.

Navigation/Tracking – Real-time road situations regarding traffic or road conditions as well as the best route to
take are accessible

Central Server – Modern cloud technology and secured storage for all data collected through the system.

Control Monitoring System – Controlled tracking that can be remotely adjusted depending on traffic or transportation situations (i.e., peak or critical hours for traffic lights control).

Trip Planning – Provides a central hub for passenger and transportation information like schedules, mode of transportation, parking spaces, etc.

Enforcement and Tolling – Integrated system comprises of video detections, ANPR, advanced sensors and meters for seamless tolling and enforcement.

Smart Mobile Apps – Simple and functional mobile applications to make road and transportation information and services more accessible to everyone.

Gas, Noise and Particle Analysis – Smart sensors utilized for traffic has also the ability to detect noise, gas and dust concentration that can trigger alerts.


Industrial Tracker

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Micro Tracker

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Smart Environment Pro

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We can help you right away to customize, implement, test and integrate smart roads and transportation solution based on your requirements.